Wednesday, January 2, 2013

IT'S COLD......

OK.....I am now moving into my 81st year in three months......why not?  With each day...each year...each minute you learn something that makes life easier.  This morning as I sat reading the paper and having my my PJ's my sweet daughter Karrie and Richie walked in.  They came to put the Christmas Trees, the decoration and Christmas stuff away.....hopefully for another year.  Then they vacuumed and mopped the house and sent me off happily into 2013.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU..... I am not use to having others clean or do nice things for me and I still feel guilty when my kids have to step in and do all the things I have done for them all these years......and won't let me pay them.  In all my years I never had one day of house cleaners in my house, seems odd how nice it is for them to come without my asking. I watch my friend Patty go almost everyday to help her 98 year old mother who lives alone and think,YES that is me kinda. My mother died when she was 58 and I never had that opportunity to pitch in with her.....she wasn't a bit old!  It was a great Holiday but I am happy to get back to the normal routine.  Mailed bills this morning, had Christmas pictures printed and see the calendar is filling up with the usual.  It is cold, cold and I had to fill the bird feeder again, they are really going through the food.  Nice to know I am filling the stomachs for a few of those beautiful little birds.....who decided to to face the Utah winter......think much about my sweet missionary in Brazil, lonesome for Alex.

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