Sunday, January 13, 2013


 Well the cooks can now wear their missionary T-shirts.  Today was Richie's farewell.  He gave a great talk thanking all the people who were important in his life and included me, of course that brought tears.  I am really having a hard time facing the fact in three week he will be gone for two years, maybe because I am 80 and I only hope I am still here when he gets home.  I also went through this with Alex, my first missionary.  I am not sure how I would handle it if it were a son, but in my heart I know what a wonderful experience it is for a child.  They so grow up and learn to give and take, be tired, hungry and lonesome for their families make them ready to face the REAL world.  Karrie and Rich worked very hard and had a great party after church.  A ton of people who ate a ton of food.  All my family came including the X. Man he is looking old.......Pam baby sat him.  It was fun having Sherrie for two nights, and sorry Brayden was sick.  We had Scot and the two big dogs Saturday night, so Karrie could keep the house clean. Tomorrow is P DAY for Alex, always look forward to hearing from him.....nine months down.

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