Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Well this happy group looks well prepared for  deep freeze winter.  I love this picture of  the Pannier clan New Years at West Yellowstone National Park as they toured the place enjoying one of the most wonderful and especially beautiful places in the US or maybe the world.  They took some great pictures of the wild life as they live through he winter, buffalo, fox, elk and moose.  Scott, Rob, Pam, Nicci, Bill, Liz, Will and in front Tiff.  Very colorful and stylish.  I am proud of this family..............
Life is very interesting with its twists and turns and how you may not realize it but God is listening to your prayers.  I ask each night that if I can help anyone in need help me to do it.  WELL, the man across the street called to see if I knew the Bishop of our church.  We just had a new bishop put in who had written all the members a letter wanting to get to know them and leaving phone numbers etc.  This man who has lived across from me for many years had taken in a girl who has not been the best kind of influence in the neighborhood and I am afraid we have been pretty judgemental about her, her friends and the schedules they keep all night.  He has been ill, has diabetes and had one leg amputated.  He said he needed some help for condo fees and had no food.  Said he had been living on popcorn and diet Pepsi....wow he is diabetic!  My poor mother would turn over in her grave if she knew I let someone go hungry I knew.....I was crushed and offered to take food over or anything. So I handled it and  I contacted a good member of the church on the condo board I know and ask him to get in touch with the new bishop and help me, help my neighbor.  We will be sure he does not remain hungry.......all I can say is be careful what you pray for.......you might get it. Someone up there is listening to prayers!

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