Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Ah yes, memories.  Good old Woolworths. When I grew up this was our Walmart, Kmart and Target.......heaven forbid Costco.  We had to go to Cortez, 18 miles from Mancos to shop at a Woolworths.  And, of course the prices were not what they are today everywhere, but people had much less money in those days.  They had a lunch counter and what a treat if there was enough money to get some lunch or a drink.  No Drive Inns for fast food way back then.  This would have been in the 40's.  A fond memories is of my cousin and I who are 9 days apart, she lived in Cortez and I would go stay with her and her mother, my aunt Frankie, would let us pick things from her garden to sell.  We would put them in her little wagon and go up to the main road.  We were rich if we could get a quarter or 50 cents a piece.  Then she would take us to Woolworths and you could get a pair of anklets for a dime and beautiful ribbons for your hair was 5 cents a yard.  My kids or grand kids will never know the thrill of memories like this!  Thank you Woolworths for those wonderful memories.......
As I look back at my family and my life I know I share some DNA, but few physical or mannerisms with my parents.  I guess my mom and dad might have just as well selected their first born from an animal shelter. W hen I was young I had big dreams, liked good music and to dance, and wanted to travel.  My folks wouldn't let me join the circus! They seemed very content with what I thought was a very dull life in our little town......but the memories I have of those days are wonderful. "If you never try will never know.?"

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