Monday, January 28, 2013


 Grandkids, a great bunch.  These 8 spent Christmas with me and you can see we didn't leave even one out.  Alex is the cute cutout! I just read an email to me from Alex from Brazil, still amazes me how all that works, I love Mondays because they are his PDAY. My Tiff is head of here department, Nicci moves so fast I am not sure of her position, Will is a senior at the U of U. Alex in Brazil on a mission and in 8 days Richie will leave for Mexico on his mission.  Annie a cheer-leader Junior and signing up for a two week work trip to India. Brayden, also a junior, is the hardest worker I have ever seen.  He was up at 6:00 and pushing snow here at the house and then off to clean roads and sidewalks at their apartment buildings before school......and no parents around cracking the whip. (They are in the Bahamas......) and it snowed 8 inches last night.  He is in charge of the horses, chickens and getting Ken to swimming today. Most kids would be moaning......not Bray. Ken and Scott are young and also very busy.  Me.....what did I do today?  Well in this modern of modern houses, I am trying to figure out their dish TV, figure out their phone system, figure out how to operate the humungus stove and learn what light switch turns on what light......there are dozens.  BUT, I do know how to turn on the microwave!  When the boys get home I will have them check me out so I can feel modern too.

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