Wednesday, January 30, 2013


  Nope....not one of those days, one of those months.  It can't  stop snowing and the poor road crews can't keep up with the cleaning of roads and sidewalks. I thought beings snow was also an S word this little sign could say it all for us in Utah this month.  Only one more day of January and maybe February will bring some change,  Still in Vernal baby sitting and hibernating.  All is well except struggling with Kennedy's new contacts of which I know squat about......tore one again last night so he had to go to school without them again today!  Poor little guy he is as frustrated as I am....and Brayden.  I would gladly trade the job of potty-training him again as to training him to put in contacts.....I know potty-training!  Oh, and I think GIGI is constipated...she kept me up all night wanting to go out......we are both tired today. Going to watch Ken swim after school and then the boys and I are going out to eat.  My big day out all week.  I have been busy with my computer, books, Kindle, knitting,suduko ......and watching the poor horses from next door out in the pasture dig through the deep snow hunting something to eat!!!!!  Lets see, I wonder what they are doing down in the Bahamas today?

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