Sunday, January 6, 2013


 I love this picture of Big Richard and his son Richard the day they went to the Temple and took our his endowments for his mission. One week from today my third grandson will have his Missionary Farewell.......and three weeks later be off to the MTC.  So hard to let them go, but so proud when they do.  I just emailed my second grandson who is on his mission in Brazil.  I tell him silly things about how cold it is here and how I am worried about the little birds lining up at the bird feeder for some food and where are they going to keep warm?  I am so sure he isn't too interested in these mundane things, but my life is really pretty dull compared the new and interesting things happening to him each day.  Some day he will look back and realize that.  Oh to live among the people in a distant land and learn their language and Oh, to be 19 again.  No, don't look back........... why can't I still do that? I'll put that on my BUCKET LIST!  Enough rambling and back to the real world.  Weekends are usually long and quiet but I have learned to handle that, and the best bet is to just do a little "Retail Therapy". So moving on...........

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