Thursday, January 10, 2013


 lIt seems every life starts out ONCE UPON A TIME.......when we are born we are tiny innocent creatures sent to earth to prove our worth. BUT, as I add years I don't see every ones lives as ending HAPPILY EVER AFTER!  Each one of us has been faced with trials and through these oppositions we can learn wisdom, become stronger and experience joy.  Free choices lead us down different paths and we are free to choose. Three people could see the same accident and everyone tell a different account of it according to where they came from.. Perhaps what would be HAPPILY EVER AFTER. in one persons life....would not seem that way to another person.  The bottom line is to find Happiness in our lives.....and five good rules to "happiness" are:  1.  Free your heart from hatred......forgive.  2.  Free your mind of worries......most never happen.  3.  Live simply and appreciate what you have.  4.  Give more.  5.  Expect less from people but more from yourself.  But, my wish is for every ones lives to end Happily Ever After........My dear friend Patty, the poor man across the street, my old friend in the rest home, my neighbor up the street that has been in bed five years, they are being tested.  Well, the cold weather broke today only to get the news another big snow storm is due in tonight., yep it's January. 

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