Thursday, January 24, 2013


My family keeps growing, this is the newest four legged, hairy one.....BABY BREE!  A little tea cup Schnauzer.  I guess the Panniers couldn't hold off, they missed Charles too much.  They have big Drake, the duck dog,  but not so cuddly. Pam said he slept all night, her first night home........which is more than Charles was doing, but now comes the potty training, which is much easier in the summer and green grass, than freezing weather and snow!  But she will have Pam and Rob trained in no time..........and Will.  I wonder if her favorite things will be chew on shoes or clothes?.We are a family of dogs......or would you say our family has gone to the dogs?
Sometimes you just need a moment for yourself.....when overwhelmed, I try to remember stress is only temporary. In the days, weeks and months to come, worries will be eased, questions set to rest, problems solved, needs met and ----best of all----my wishes fulfilled.  I know this from my past life of 80 years.  It is easy to get stuck in stuff....but "This too will pass" and "Things happen for a reason, just believe" have gotten me threw it all.  I try to keep these thoughts in my mind as we freeze through January......and yes before I know it I will be complaining about the heat!

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