Saturday, January 19, 2013

ANOTHER DAY.........

...Don't you hate now days everything has to have a password and your expected to remember them???? I never memorized my drivers license number, but I know my social security number, my house number, my phone number and several phone numbers of my kids.  Now when I can barely remember all that I have to know how to get who called on my message box, my computer,  the password to my blog, to my facebook, Pintrest, the code to my safe, how to unlock my TV channels etc. etc. etc.Maybe it is a good idea to make them all the same "INCORRECT".......It would solve a lot of may problems.  I love when you get an inspiration like those little ladies had. I have another list of Inspirations that help me stay on track......#1. You have to make good things happen! (think positive and look for the good.)  #2.  Past mistakes lead to future success..(you can't believe how much better my life has been these past 26 years since my divorce......I know happy now.)  #3.  Your better than good.  You re great! (If you have no one else to tell you that, tell yourself.)  #4.  Expect the deserve nothing less.  #5 You have so many reasons to be proud of yourself.....(Yes, I am a good mother, grandmother, sister, friend.  I have many talents, I have traveled the world and love my God.)  #6 Dream bigger, doubt smaller. #7. Say yes to less stress.....(I am learning "Things happen for a reason, just believe."....this too will pass.  Still freezing cold....Obama inaugurated Monday.

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