Tuesday, January 15, 2013


COLD, COLD, COLD.  The weather is unreal, Our whole state is under this cold cover.  A few days of it is OK but they forecast this for the next week or 10 days.  So I found this neat picture of the people who warm my heart most.......This was taken on a warm cruise in the Bahamas about this time last year.  It was my 80th birthday celebration.  Yes, this is the time of year to pack up and head out on a warm vacation.  Sherrie is heading down to Atlantis in 10 days and I am heading to Vernal to tend the boys and dogs.  Vernal is always 10 degrees colder than Salt Lake, but maybe by then the cold spell will be over........ Braved the cold last night and went to bridge, -0 when I got home at midnight.  Patty just called and wants me to hem some sweat pants for her 98 year old mother who is freezing!!!!! Glad to help out. My sweet Richie just arrived with my chairs and stuff from the farewell........and to vacuum the dog hair from the five dogs that were here this weekend.  It really is a good day when the grandkids are around!

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