Thursday, January 17, 2013


This is a picture of my three daughters and I on a cruise to sunny Mexico where it was WARM last year.  I keep thinking if I think warm thoughts maybe it won't seem so cold here.  It is still in the 20s and forecast to stay that way for another week or so. 
I know getting older is inevitable.  Feeling and looking that way isn't.  It turns out a smile is worth more than a thousand words.  In a study of 1,000 photos of people with a variety of facial expressions tended to underestimate the age of those who were two years or more.  Also I was glad to hear the American Academy of Neurology showed  hat among 230 men and women with an average of 73, those who spoke more than two languages were four times less likely to experience cognitive impairments than people who were bilingual. MAGIFIQUE AND, UM, ESTUPENDO! A cocktail a day could keep the doctor away.....does my glass of wine at bridge club help?  This study found moderate drinking can reduce inflammation, rise HDI, and improve insulin function, all of which help prevent illness.  Walking helps memory decline......that's why I go shopping every day!
Do you realize "Jealousy comes from counting others' blessings instead of your own?"
Going to get bundled up and go see a movie with Shirley and Bonnie........

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