Friday, January 18, 2013


In this cold, cold weather I am warming up with memories.  Here is my cute missionary a couple of weeks before he headed to Brazil and the MTC, now ELDER CHRISTENSON.....He is at "Zuppas" having lunch with his mom, aunt Sherrie and oh yes, his Gram.Just looking at those big bowls of hot soup and big rolls to dip in it makes me hungry   Alex has been gone almost 10 months and is good to email me every Pday.......I love getting together with my sweet family, in fact I live for it. 
I was reading people should give themselves a "WHATEVER DAY"......I think as you get older you start having quit a few whatever days.  I have a clock in the kitchen with all the numbers fallen to the bottom and on it is written "WHATEVER", I look for the time and just think whatever? Whatever days are a good self-care prescription that can restore us and help us to cope with future tasks and events.  Too many of us are taught from an early age to care for the needs of others before caring for their own needs.  Effective ,ongoing self-care practices may be absent from our lives. Commit to some free time for yourself, take breaks throughout the day, stretch often, listen to favorite music, take hot showers or baths, get adequate sleep and exercise. Eat your favorite foods and visit with family and friends! You only live once, but if you do it right......once is enough.  Cold, cold off to the grocery store.

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