Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Happy Birthday to my baby sister.  I was 11 when she was born.......the perfect baby-sitting age, and got to do it lots.  She was seven when I graduated and went away to college so I was not around while she grew up, but we have made up for it in the past 26 years.  We have had some wonderful trips around the world. We have lost two sisters in the past few years so I cherish the one I have left.  Yes, sisters are different flowers from the same garden........four girls with the same parents, but each one so different.  Leslie, a railroad engineer???? So brave and gunho in life.  Dixie, a loner who loved to sit out on her ranch by Moab and being alone was her thing, she even carried a gun in her pickup truck and she knew how to use it........Scary....... Joan, loved to read, only one to graduate from college and teach school and was a deep thinker.  Then me, Betty Ree, the oldest who wanted to get out in the world and meet people and travel, travel, travel???? We don't even look alike, so when your plant a flower garden just enjoy each blooming flower for what it gives to you.  Leslie Ruth Yeomans is 70 today so Happy Birthday.
Been invited to lunch with the to the Blue Iguana, give Richie a real taste of  Mexican food before he heads to Mexico for a two year mission!  Temperature forecast for today........... 21 degrees.

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