Friday, August 31, 2012


OH MY, OH MY.....after spending an hour or two at Walmart and a constant parade of young, middle and old age people in spaghetti straps and shorts with every kind of tattoo, in every place unimaginable I would love to caution them!!!!!  In fact, this picture is a perfect example.  Once upon a time I weighed 110 lbs and had a perfect place to put an eagle tattoo, but if I would have been crazy enough to to do that my eagle would look like the lovely lady on the kids, take my advice and don't think anyone wants to guess what is hidden in this ladies numerous wrinkles......thank goodness this lady solved this mystery and told us.....She definitely is the one to blame for killing her eagle!  You can see it all at Walmart.
Big three day weekend, Christensons just called from Lake Powell and I think the Panniers were off to their new cabin in Island Park, Idaho.  Cooks are busy at Midway.  I am enjoying a quiet weekend doing what I always do......nothing.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


When someone or somethings upsets your life.....move on because they or it were just a chapter in your life.....but don't close the book.  Keep your head high and just turn the page!
At lunch the other day a couple of my friends and I were just saying how some days we just putter around till noon before we shower and get dressed.  I have found since I get older how easy this is and by the time you get dressed half the day is over and you aren't motivated to do much.  But, the days I have a list of to-dos or an appointment early, I zip through the news paper and breakfast and am up and going.  You really feel better all dressed up and cleaned up, not depressed and un-motivated.  I have a couple of friends that tell how their mother's up to the end of their lives in rest homes dressed up every day with make up, jewelry and ear rings etc. They were rather amused that this was so important to them with no place to go and no one to impress!  But it showed they liked themselves and took pride in their lives, age meant nothing.  I hope I can be one of those kind of people, so my new choice every day is to get up and dress up and fight for my dreams.
Off to watch Annie cheer at Brighton this after noon.  Patty over for coffee yesterday, lunch with Pat and LaVern the day before at the Salt Lake Country that another busy week, and month are almost over.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Two more days and August is over and Labor Day upon  us, notifying us summer is over and  grandma's swimming pool will be closing.  It's days by the pool with cousins having fun are 6 of my nine grandchildren.....and they all learned to swim in this pool that they gather around each year.  Just being together with a pizza  and a drink makes the day complete.  These wonderful children has made my life complete and given me many hours of pleasure. As I sit and watch them, I can't help but wonder where their paths in life will lead them. I just want to squeeze each one and never let them out of  my sight. BUT TODAY there are many changes in their lives already.  Alex, on the left is far away on an LDS in Brazil.  Today Richie, next to him, took his missionary papers into the bishop, soon we will know where in the world he will spend the next two years.  Andrea and Brayden just turned 17 and are juniors in high school.  My Kennedy is 14, in junior high and Scottie is in the 5th grade.  My three older grandchildren, Tiffany, Nicci and William  have all been part of our good times, but are moving on with their lives with jobs and marriage etc.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Went to see the movie "2016 Obama's America." yesterday.  It only confirmed how and what I feel about him.  It was a wonderful, educational and informative documentary on where Obama is coming from.  He is a Muslim......born and his genes.  He was molded by an imagine of a father he never knew, his mother was three months PG when she married his father in February and Obama was born in August  His father had a total of 5 wives and many children, at the same time. Did his mother really care for his father?  She moved on in her life and sent Obama to Hawaii to be raised by his grandparents, who gave him a mentor that was Communist and very left.  He hung around with that kind of thinking people, teachers and his church with a radical priest, he later had to walk away from.  Why has it taken us four years to find all this out and not vetted him before we elected him.  The movie was done very well, never mentioned his wife or kids, say mean things or take side.....just facts.
The paper said the film also seems assured of becoming the highest grossing post 1982 political documentary coming from political right.  If Obama does win in November......maybe we would all be better off if a meteor hit our world and ended us on the 21st of December like the Mi ans predicted and Nostradamus predicted.
Love him or hate don't know him.  "If he fooled you once, shame on HIM.  If he fooled you twice, shame on YOU."

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Happy birthday Mike and Andrea. Love the picture, Mike, Andrea, Mike's children Chelsey, with little girl, Chase and his wife, Vanessa, Carli and Cade.  Andrea's children Andy, Sarah, Matt and Jake.
I love Mike and we have compared notes on "divorce"...we have done many fun things together and I have watched him suffer with the failure of his marriage and the ups and downs with his four children. His two oldest seem to have gotten back on track with their lives, but the two youngest are really headed down the "nothing road", which breaks his heart.  God is good and Mike has been given a second chance to have a good life.  He met and married Andrea Merriman, one of the strongest, smartest and kindest people I know. Her life was stopped dead in its tracks after 20 years of marriage, four great kids and all in life you could want.  Her husband was arrested and is in prison for a Ponzie Scheme which left her with nothing.  She picked up a piece of her life, probably because of her faith and spirituality, made a new life and found Mike!  She is my hero........"You never know how strong you are, until you have to be strong!"

Friday, August 24, 2012


It is an awesome feeling and honor to be put in the position of being the Matriarch of your family.  That honor was put upon me 26 years ago.  It wasn't a question of "can I do it?"  It was a decision, "I will do it.....and do it well!"  My family of three daughters, 2 granddaughters and a son-in-law, would indeed have a leader a home to come to and someone who would always be there for them.  A place to celebrate birthdays, holidays, to drop the kids off, someone to help with the dogs or go to when your lonesome or sick. Well, I have done this. What is the job of the Matriarch of a family?  They lead, guide and encourage the family to be the "best of the best" by example, experience and spirituality. I hope I have filled this position well and help to make my family the wonderful, successful people they are.  My three girls got an education, learned to work and married good men.  They are raising their children the same way and I am proud of everyone of them.  We are a good family, who love each other.....we are all different but the same....but we are a family to be proud of.
Remember you are the STAR of your own life.
Getting so tired of politics, shootings on every corner and nothing but bad news on the TV everyday.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Try to imagine being 11 years old, an only child for many years where the world revolved around your wants and needs, the home is organized, quiet and orderly.  You keep wishing for a baby sister you'd name Karrie.  And then......and day they bring home two baby sisters, a Karrie and a Sherrie!  They cry at all hours, need constant attention, smell good, smell bad, are always hungry. The house is suddenly not quiet, not clean and orderly. Your family seems all tied up with these two tiny people....Even though you have a bigger family, two sisters, you feel very lonely, lost and neglected......which makes you angry, but you don't tell anyone.  The years pass and everyone grows up and the birthdays, vacations and holidays are more fun with sisters.  And that is how life is sometimes.
As I look back I see how hard this was on Pam and I also know I could not have survived without her help with the twins.  She had to grow up, step up and she did.  I will never be able to tell how much I appreciated her.  Don airline pilot ... was never home to help.  It seems they were my babies, and he had a deal with it attitude.  Well I did with Pam's help..... we raised two darling people.  I would say the expression on Pam's face kinda tells you what a 11 year old thinks of two tiny babies who have just invaded her world. I  love pictures.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Sad, sad, sad only two weeks of August left and the feel of autumn in the air, in fact the mountains are starting to put on their fall colors already.....I am not ready.  My arthritis does not like cold weather either!  The weeks go flying by, it is good to be busy, but maybe not this busy.  Both my bridge clubs meet this week so some socializing this week.
The picture is of my children's grandfather, Vadal Peterson. This is Sherrie and Karrie and their cousin Alisha,(Steve's daughter).  For future generations looking for ancestors old journals etc. help connect families.. Vadal lived up the street after Don and I got married and had Pam.  Vadal loved Pam and Wood's boys but was not really close to any of the other grandchildren......he just was not into kids.  Pam being a favorite was given grandma's bedroom set after she died and the only set of sterling silver silverware our family owns......He was married three times, grandma and Melva died and Charlotte was alive when he died at 82.  He became a famous basket ball coach at the University of Utah in the 50s.  His picture is in the Salt Palace and in the University.  He grew up in a family of 8 boys in Hunstville, Utah on a farm next door to David O McKays, who became president of our church. What was my relationship with him.......well, that is another blog!

Monday, August 20, 2012


I remember when I started journaling one of the suggestions they made was to take a photo and see what you see, feel what you feel, remember what you can about it and write, write, write.  I ran across the picture and a ton of emotions surfaced.  First and last time my family rode horses together.  I do not like horses, of course at that age, all children like to ride horses and I can't even imagine what the man in the photo was feeling.  I do remember Sherrie's horse took off running and she fell off and she was not going to get back on, BUT I had this husband that controlled with an iron hand and he informed her.....she was getting right back on that horse and finish the day.....yes, she did!  I remember I was angry at him with not being more sympathetic?  The interesting thing about the girls is......growing up Pam and Karrie both wanted us to buy them a horse, Sherrie was into other things.  Now that they are all gown, Pam and Karrie are not horse-people, it is Sherrie who has a love of horses.  She has a huge horse barn and five or six horses. Pictures make memories come alive.....This picture is an interesting memory.
Cute email from my little missionary and off to get my nails done.......and only two more weeks of August left.  In Midway yesterday the leaves have already started turning to reds and oranges and yellows.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


August is the families busiest birthday month..four in five days!  Today is RIchard Cooks.  He is Karrie's husband and the father of three of my cute grandchildren.  He has been very good to me and keeps my computer running and me happy.  He and kids just built me new steps on the patio.  At my age his kindness means a lot.  He and his partners have a house in the Home Show in Midway/Heber today, but Karrie, the kids and I are going up after church to help out and have a birthday dinner up there.  I am happy to hear he likes his birthday present.


Friday, August 17, 2012


A couple of weeks ago I went to the Hale Theater in Provo and saw the play "Crazy For You".  This is a picture of the cast, in the front row is my nephew's son Chase and the gal next to him is his wife, Vanessa, who were very good in it. They are both very active in the theaters around Provo.
I got to thinking about my mother, Hazel Marie Yeomans, who would have been 100 years old yesterday and her legacy, not so much with her children, but her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  Mother's middle name could have been music.....she loved music of every kind.  She played the piano and was happiest when she was involved with her music.  In high school she played the piano for the silent movies.  She wrote the school song, that is still the school song.  She was in a band with her four brothers in high school and our home was full of music.  During WW II she wrote and directed a play and the music called 'The Dill Pickle Dream' and gave the money to the war bond fund. With all the exposure her five children had, only my one sister, Dixie was a natural musician.....BUT she did pass her talents on through the generations.  Her grandson Mike Ramsey sings and writes music and has been in many theater groups, as is now his son Chase...her great-grandson. Also Ryan Norton has a very good voice and loves acting. so I am sure she is looking down very proud.  Her other love was writing.  She wrote for the Cortez and Durango news papers.  She wrote a book of poems and many stories.  My sister Dixie did pick up on her writing skills and wrote a book as did my daughter Sherrie.  She wrote the' Power Of A Penny'.  I too, love to write, mostly journals and blogs????  Thanks mom for your great inheritances.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


17 years ago today I was running between rooms at the hospital, in one room Karrie and her baby the other Sherrie and her new baby boy....BRAYDEN.  A very happy and excited ME! Just like having twins again.  Brayden is a tall, happy and handsome 17 year old.  He is my electrician, plumber, yard man and a great help to me with the computer.  He is kind, sweet, generous and very honest. Ask his mother about sending a check to the Cheese  Cake Factory in Chicago, because she wanted a spoon for a souvenir.  At 16 he passed his flying test and is working on his hours to be a pilot, he is interested in helicopters.  He loves snow sports and water sports. I am very proud of him.
Today my mother would be 100 years old, but sadly has been dead 42 years.  You never stop missing your mother.....ever.  This talented, fun, friendly, supportive person that loved everyone unconditionally will be remembered by many people, as she touched many lives in her 58 years.  I know she is looking down on her great-grandchild born on her birthday saying...."I picked him out for you specially."
Off to IHOP and the movie Ice Age with Scottie today.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


My third granddaughter turns 17  Andrea Rachelle Cook,  I remember the curly headed, mama's girl always adorable.  From day one Annie has had a mind of her own.  She followed big brother, Richie, to the roof of her house (and I mean roof....they put their little table on the hot tub, a stool on it and a chair on top that....I found them laughing and giggling on the roof!)  I know your question....what kind of a baby-sitter grandma am I? Well, it never happened again. Heart attack for me.  Don't scream and yell, just promise them a treat if they will get down carefully......because there was no way I could get on that roof. (probably when my grey hair started).....and she has never stopped being a busy, on the go kind of child.
Annie has grown into a beautiful tall, slender girl.  She is a cheer-leader, teaches swimming and life guards at the Willow Creek Country Club. We are very good friends and I couldn't be more proud of her.  She has always been there for me and I can't wait to see what is next in her busy life as a junior at Brighton High School.
Got a wonderful email from Elder Christenson......and Scottie is coming to spend the night with me, Grandchildren....YES!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I would say chocolate chip cookies are probably the center stone of the Peterson family.....I learned to make these a couple of years after I got married.  My neighbor gave me the receipt. I made them and we use oatmeal in them to make them chewy and I just used these as my comfort food ever since.  The one and only family receipt I ever felt safe to pass on in the family.  All three of my girls make these and they are the grand children's favorite.  My hips are a testimony of how great they are?
Also while we are on the subject of good things in our life, I was reading an article on 'What's your ice-cream personality'?  A bowl of any kind of ice cream -----"You're a future-focused go-getter!" You know a practical, efficient and mess-free, perfect for a no-nonsense go-getter.......A sundae....."You're an adventurous novelty-seeker."  You love to experience new things and travel to exotic places. A popsicle..."You're an in-control multitasker." Time is of importance, small portion-controlled packages easy un-wrap and you are ready. An ice-cream cone....."You're a risk-taker"  Tall, leaning defy gravity and suggests your comfortable with unpredictability. An ice cream sandwich...."You're a laid-back people-person" This sandwich brings two desserts together so do you bring people together with your warmth and friendliness. A milkshake...."You're a youthful dreamer".......Yes, this one is me.....Synonymous with childhood, the milkshake appeal to your kid-at-heart sensibilities.  This is one form of ice cream you can enjoy while you mull over your life!  And that is what old people do a lot!

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Tomorrow is my friend Ann's, she is not 100, but feels and acts like it.  She has been sick almost as long as I have known her, (25 yrs.)  She is 79 and was in the hospital two weeks with palsy and A-fib and a few other things.  She lives in a assisted care center alone.  I took her a birthday card and a plant and we had a cheery conversation about the world ending Dec. 21, 2012!!!! Is that all old people have to talk about?
"It is your reaction to adversity, NOT the adversity itself that determines how your life's story will develop."
"No matter where you are on your journey, that is exactly where you need to be.  The next road is always ahead."  Deepok Chopra  I love Deepok's writings, he is from India an a deep thinker. He says the people in India are sustained by it's spiritual essence.  People in India believe in Karma....that what you are putting out is going to come back.  If  I do something to you, the energy of it is going to come back to me in the future.
Realize this is the moment you have---the only moment you have---and live in the present.  Pet your dog, hug your child, write a thank you note, smell the coffee, enjoy this moment, take time to live each moment!............AND YOU TOO CAN BE LIGHTING YOUR CIGARETTE ON YOUR 100TH BIRTHDAY CAKE. haha

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Winston Churchill famously said, "We make a living by what we get.  We make a life by what we give."
Wouldn't it be great if we got up every morning and ask ourselves, "what can I do today to make someones life a little better, easier or happier?" The trouble is we get up each morning and ask ourselves, "what can I do today to make me happy?"  Yes, that is important because if you are not happy it is hard to reach out to those who could use your help, but you can do both.  A doctor named Hamilton said, "that performing a kind act releases oxytocin--the same brain chemical that surges when you hold your baby or snuggle a puppy......which literally lowers your blood pressure.....consequently kindness is literally good for your heart.  Amelia Earhart observed, "A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees."
I am serious about this what can I do today?  Well, I have invited a dear friend to a movie treat and snack afterwards.  She works so hard everyday and takes so little for herself.....I hope she can enjoy it......I know I will.    August is flying, school around the corner.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


                                                     Time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the                 passing years...... "True love is an  acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be."
In this picture I can  see my grandparents and my parents, but that could never be me and sad.  I guess I made a bad choice 62 years ago and for the past 26 years have been paying the consequences.....those people who really mean it when they take their marriage vows are the people I deem successful, nothing else is as important.    You can just feel the love and tenderness in this picture.  To me this is an example of when they say; A picture is worth a million words, portrays. Now as I approach the winter of my life I will ready.  Yes, I have a few regrets.  There are things I wish  I had done.  There are things I wish I hadn't done. There are many things I am glad I have have three beautiful daughters and travel around the world!  So, to my children who are not in the winter of their lives I say;  whatever you wish to do in your lives, do it quickly you never know how soon winter will be upon you.                                                                                                                                                                                     

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


O my is this picture long ago......Will the baby is almost 22, Tiff just turned 30 and is married and Nicci is almost 27 and just engaged.  Mother Pam turns 55 in a few days.......and the twins are 44.  I am so thankful for the people who have perfected the art of photography.  You know when you start filling out your gratitude sure and include gratitude for photos and the wonderful memories we have to pass down through the generations.
Today I am off to have lunch with an old friend from my other life......whom I have not seen for many years, even though we have connected over the phone now and then.  When old friends get together we compare notes on growing old.  How everything keeps changing.  Now none of us have been this old before so it is hard to give advice to each other.....all we can do is laugh and wait and see what happens tomorrow. BUT, I guess as long as we can keep laughing at ourselves it will make it all easier to live with.
"I may not be there yet, but, I'm closer than I was yesterday."

Monday, August 6, 2012


Got the word today Nicci and Bill are getting married 9/21/2013, so Ollie's family will be official.  He really doesn't look to worried does he?  I just worried if they broke up who would get Ollie.....I am also excited because that gives me a year to lose that 20 pounds I have been procrastinating about!  The wedding will be in Minneapolis, so I guess that means the DunnRovin sign doesn't get hung up for another year.  Weddings are so fun.
I am keeping Kennedy this week and his cousin Scottie came over to swim after class, they love Grandma's swimming pool.
My dear friend Susan Holgreen called today and seems to be struggling with life.  Her husband died several months ago and she was in the hospital after a car wreck and needs some TLC. Meeting her for lunch Wednesday.
"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have......."
Been there.....Done that!  Always remember you were given this life, because God knew you were strong enough to live it!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Quiet Sunday. Scottie stayed all night with me and Rich just picked him up.  Sherrie is bringing Kennedy in for a week with his speech therapist, so will have company all week.  The Panniers went to St. George for the weekend to celebrate Liz's 21st birthday with Will.  Rob is very excited about the new cabin they just bought at Island Park, Idaho near one of my favorite places.....Maxs Inn.  It should be ready in October, it will be a wonderful place to enjoy the children and grand-children.
My Sunday thought;  "Our task is to become our best selves.  One of God's greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final."  President Monson
There is no such thing as failure----only feed back.  One more week of Olympics, can't believe how fast they fly by.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


When I read the little line "the best part of a meal is the conversation" really made me stop and think?  Yes, that is why single people and older people have such strange eating habits---food is just no fun alone!
Why do you go out to eat alone?  Well you are not alone, there are people everywhere to watch and listen to, you might be alone, but your not alone, people make that OK.
I have taken my Sunday paper and gone to McDonalds for a McMuffin just because I get tired of eating alone and weekends are especially lonely.  Don't ask me why it helps----but until your alone maybe you won't know what I mean.  When you are with someone fun or you love, you could be eating a cardboard box with ketchup on it and you wouldn't care.  But alone----well nothing sounds very good , so you settle for a bowl of cereal for dinner again!  A fun meal with my three daughters is always welcome.
Spent the whole week watching Summer Olympics from London.....especially enjoying swimming and gymnastics.  Scottie coming over for the night.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


My oldest granddaughter, Tiffany, gave me a little book for Mother's Day entitled "Grandma, Her stories, Her words."  Each page has a question about my life, from childhood until now.  As I meander down memory is fun to remember and admit I never did like peas or peanut butter, that my favorite holiday was always Christmas.
Some of the questions made me really stop and think, "Describe the house you grew up in".....Well, the house was a big two story white house with a white picket fence and two apple trees in the front yard, that was the physical part.  Then there was the part that made this house a home and special.  It had a big kitchen with a round oak table that we all gathered around to eat and discuss everything in our daily lives, sorta the heart of the house.  Everyone loved my house and it was so filled with love and support, it spilled out the doors and windows to the neighborhood.
I am so happy to fill in this little book for Tiff to look back on and tell my great-grandchildren about her grandmother.  I hope to finish the little book and return it to Tiff by Christmas.  All grandparents should do this for those to come in the future.