Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Well home safe from another adventure.......A wonderful week in the Windom Mia Resort in Cancun, Mexico!  Yesterday was May Day and and was bogged down with making out bills, unpacking my suitcase and doing laundry so hope to get back on my schdule soon, had 92 emails and a ton of mail to get through.  So much has happend since I left the 21st of April and had just celebrated my 80th birthday. We left on our vacation on Kennedy's birthday and had fun celebrating it when we got to Mexico.  Sherrie had Brayden and Kennedy, and Darren stayed in SLC to get Alex off to Brazil for his mission on the 24th.  It was so hard on Sherrie to not be here to see Alex off but Aunt Karrie stepped up and took her place and helped Darren through it.  Alex is kinda a Mom's boy so was probably easier for him not to leave seeing his Mom all  mothers do.  We kept very busy in Mexico which was good for Sher.  We were with a great family, the Banes and her parents Jill and Sherm.  Dave and Amy are great people and have Riley 14, Brennan 11 and Jamison 8......our entertainer.  The whole trip was to get Riley's and Kennedy's Eagle Scout badge.   Ken took back packs full of school supplies and Riley took medical supplies to a little mexican village that needs everything......we were with the Salt Lake Rotary group. The beach, the weather, the shopping, the music, the food....YES

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