Monday, May 21, 2012


It took 26 years, but I thinkl I have finally realized I have moved forward in the forgiveness department.......I read and fully agree on the following:  This a picture of Alex the day of his farewell, with him are his two grandfathers, both of whom walked out on their families many years ago.  They have very little if anything to do with their grandchildren, but all of a sudden make an effort to be involved in  some of their lives.  Needless to say there has been a lot of anamosity in the family, but on this day my X and I seemed to come together a little after 26 years and it felt good. The following is so true......"Do you want to know what the best revenge is?  HAPPINESS....If someone screwed you over or hurt you, don't go after them.  Don't try to get them back.  You just lower yourself to their level.  You'r better than that.  You do better without them.  Forget about them and live your life happy not because someone made you do it, but because you wanted it for yourself."  I can happily say, I have done just that.....yes there were a couple of hard years but with the help of my wonderful family, I realized all his problems he took with him which free-ed me up to live happily ever after!  I am and have been very happy these years being single and accomplishing much in my life.  I even wish the grandpas a lot of happiness, but I sometimes wonder just how happy they really are?   "I HATE THAT.....WHAT IF FEELING"

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