Monday, May 28, 2012


This is such an important day in America.  We are free and safe but only because hundreds of good men and boys and women died to keep us FREE.  I lived in a small community and every year, my family gathered the flowers that were in bloom and we made our annual trip up to the graves of grandpa and grandma, uncles, cousins etc.  People drove in from around the state and it was like some kind of a reunion visiting with others you had not seen since last year.......including other relatives..   Then back home for dinner or a picnic.  Once in awhile I entertain the thought where will I end up?  Will anyone visit me on Memorial Day?  Does it really matter?  Not something to worry about.  I am trying not to be a worrier......"If you don't like how you are feeling, then, change the way you're thinking."  I know that our thoughts create our feelings, and we can choose our thoughts.  How can I change my way of thinking?  There are two things you never need to worry about:  1.  the things you can control and 2.  the things you can't control.  In the first case,we  can deal with the situation by appropriate action.  Thus,no need to worry: we can rest assured that we have done all we can.  In the second case worrying about things we cannot control can paralyze and demoralize us.  Forget it: it is out of  our hands.  "For every problem under the sun, There is an answer or there is none.  If there is one, then try it.  If there is none, then never mind it."  Doesn't that little saying make it sound easy to stop worrying.........What would I do if I didn't have something to worry about?    Off to a Bar-B-Q in Midway.......sunny and nice but pretty cool. 

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