Friday, May 4, 2012


Busy, exciting time for everyone that finally makes it through those 12 long years of school.  So many memories good and bad.....Looking back to this time of year 62 years ago in the little town of Mancos, Colorado I was 18 and graduating from high school. You might label me the poster child for naivete.  I thought I knew it all and was ready to face the world but what I really knew about life could fit in my pocket with room to spare.
I got my three daughters through school and college, but then came graduation for my nine grandchildren.  I love going to see them and feel the pride of thinking......those are part mine.
Tiffany my oldest graduated from Brighton High and I went and then she went to Wisconsin and graduated from college.  I went with her family and we sat in the rain and got soaked, but we were there.  Then came Nicci, I went to her Brighton High graduation.  Then four years later I went with her family to Phoenix,Arizona to ASU and we watched Nicci graduate........AND THEN several years later I went with her family to Indianapolis and we watched her get her MBP!  Then it was little brother William's turn to graduate from Olympus High School and he is going to be a junior at the University of Utah next year. Yes, I went to see him graduate.  Last year I went to Vernal to see Alex (PICTURED ABOVE) graduated from Vernal High School and is now a LDS Missionary in Santa Maria Brazil.....I am sure as he celebrated that day he had no idea a year later he would be in Brazil......In a few weeks Richard Benjamine will be graduating from Brighton High School.....and is  registered at the U OF U.  I am looking forward to being there for it.I am looking forward to seeing Brayden and Andrea graduate in two years.....Kennedy in four years.....and Scottie in eight.....even if they have to push me in in a wheel chair. 
Looking forward to having dinner at Cafe Madrid with Mike, Andrea and Andy tonight.  Andy is leaving on his mission to Madrid, Spain in June.

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