Tuesday, May 22, 2012


You know how I have been introducing my great-grandkids/dogs..........Well, I also have a new grandchild/dog......Sherrie's new mother's day present, named Macy (i think).  She has been a hand full, house training her and a running away problem.  This is all expected with a new puppy! Well to prove just how much you love your dog, you sometimes have to be tested.  Sherrie got her test this weekend.  After church Sunday they decided to jump in their plane and fly down to their house boat in Lake Powell for the night to watch the eclipse.  Well that was the puppies first airplane ride.......and it was on Sherrie's lap and got so nervous it could not control it's bowels.......all over Sherrie and the airplane. I can't even imagine the smell and no place to put the dog or clean up till you land would have been fun!  It was a good thing Darren had given it to her for Mother's Day or I can imagine him opening a window and the dog would now be wandering around in the clouds in doggie heaven. She had to go buy a new skirt and blouse to have something to wear that night.  She could laugh about it the next day and they were back home but that dog may not any more airplane rides for a while.  Aint life fun?  It was 94 degrees yesterday, broke the 90 degree record of 1919 for this time of year.  I'm not complaining when I see Phoenix was 108........besides I love the hot weather.  We tried to watch the Eclipse on Sunday, but it was too cloudy to really get a good view from here.

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