Thursday, May 24, 2012


What would our world be like without Dr. Seuss?  In my younger years I was raised on nursery rhymes and I passed that on to my three girls, but then to add to them for children's learning along came Dr Seuss with his 'Green Eggs and Ham' and my very favorite one "Oh the place you will go!" He makes learning fun and even adults enjoy them.  I love how he can make you really stop and the following one.  JUST ASK DR. SEUSS........
"When you think things are bad.  When you feel sour and blue.  When you start to get mad.....You should do what I do....Just tell yourself, Duckie you're really quite lucky!  Some people are much more.....oh, ever so much more......oh, muchly, much-much, more unlucky than you!  Just look around and know how true that little rhyme is.  If you have your health, your family, a warm home and enough to eat you are muchly, much-much more lucky than millions in the world!  Thank you Dr. Seuss to help put this truth into our children's and our lives.
"To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children....To leave the world a better know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.....This is to have succeeded."   Ralph Waldo Emerson

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