Monday, May 14, 2012


What's this kinda tired stuff?  Boy, when I'm tired, I'm tired and I really know it!  Being tired seems to be a popular topic of conversation with my age group and some even younger.  Talked to my sister this morning and she was tired, my friend called complaining how tired she was after a busy Mother's Day weekend and my cousin is always tired.  I know tiredness comes with being older and I am trying to grow old gracefully and do lots of different things that help me live my life to its fullest.  Helping others always makes me feel better.  I have lots of fun hobbies that I keep busy with and enjoy.  I love my Kindel and have been reading some fun books.  My favorite TV shows are the History channel, Discovery channel, Animal channel and Travel channel shows that I can learn something noticed I left out the cooking channel??? I love spending time with old friends and reminesing about old times.  I love learning new things like Spanish and taking quilting and art clases.  It is best to have a positive, happy attitude, if your back hurts or your arthritis or allergies are acting up, tell your doctor, not everyone else.  It is so much more pleasant to focus on what you can do and not so much on what you can't do, and it will help your attitude immennsely.  My grandchildren do a great job of keeping me young, This is Andrea this weekend with her cute prom date and in her beautiful dress with purple tennis shoes under neath, we have lots of good times together.  I am so proud of all nine of my grandchildren and they do keep me youung!

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