Sunday, May 27, 2012


I am an ARIES, I am adventurous, energetic, courageous, enthusiastic and confident......I am not sure about pioneering (I have thanked God many times for not having been assigned to the time of the pioneers settling SLC valley).....I would never had made it.  I am not dynamic or quick-witted but no one is perfect!  Some people get up and go to bed with what their horoscopes dictate, I am not one of those people.  I am concerned about my Legacy though.  I sometimes wonder how I am demonstrating my commitment to making a difference in the world, making the world a better place. Your legacy is the service you provide, the mark you make on the world while you are here and the one you will leave behind when you're gone.  Although my days are numbered, may my good works never be!  Your Picasso for the day.....A cool, Sunday and very quiet weekend.

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