Friday, May 18, 2012


My granddaughters keep me updated on Facebook on my only "greatgrand"dogs/children......Someday I hope to show off and brag about grandchildren, but until then I have Captain on the left and Oliver on the right. Captain belongs to Tiffany and Scott.  Scott had Captain when he and Tiff got married and has been a constant source of entertainment for them.  She said this picture was taken after a hard day at doggie school, he has a lot of energy really, but school can wear you out!
Oliver on the right belongs to Nicci and Bill.  He is Havanese, and fairly rare in the US.  His ancestors were brought in from Havana, Cuba. He is too cute and irresistible to hug, but understand he is a very busy puppy.  The reason I am blogging about this part of my family is someday when I have the other kind of great-grandchildren they will be reading their great-grandmother's blog/journal/picture album and see these pictures and their parents will tell them,"yes, that was our baby before we got you??" They will be so excited......I think! Aren't they cute?
Karrie and I went to the new Marshall's Store this morning in a blinding rain storm, nothing like retail therapy to brighten your day.  Seems kinda small but had lots of cute things, then stopped for lunch......and it's weekend again tomorrow. Off to do laundry and catch up on house work. Have a nice day.........

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