Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Yea, my day is missionary emailed me!  In this picture he is the little guy on this end? We always thought he was tall, caught up with his father, but the church is putting out some big boys now days.  This is the group that were off to Brazil when Alex left.  Wednesdays will be his P-day so I will be dialed in to the email on Wednesdays.  Brazil is so far from home.....i know because I have been there.....and two years is a long time, but I am so proud of him. 
Every day I make a list of to-dos.  In my younger days, if I didn't get most or at least half of the things checked off----I failed. Well, now days if I can get out of bed and carry on----I check it off as a successful day!  Now the important things I check off as a successful day are not how much laundry I did, if the floors got mopped or the furniture dusted, it is if my girls called me.  Two daughters do regularly and the third one even makes my day with a text message now and then, at least she is thinking of me.  I love hearing from grandchildren and my sister, my cousin and Mike, my nephew. Also, a talk to one or more of my best friends lights up my heart. Make your time account for what is most important in your life and will be remembered many years after you are gone

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