Thursday, May 3, 2012


Received some pictures from Karrie of the very important day I missed beings I was in Mexico with Ken to get his Eagle Scout Badge!  This is Darren, Will, Alex's best friend and the Cook family seeing Alex off at the airport.  If I would have been there I would have been for Alex's benefit it was better Gram was in Mexico with his mother......who would have been crying!  Yesterday was P-Day for him and he emailed he was assigned a companion from Alaska that he really liked.....was made a district leader and the chocolate and Pizza there was really sounds like he is off to a good start.  Yes, we are really going to miss him but know what a wonderful experience it will be for him. MY FIRST MISSIONARY, with no boys, my one brother did not go on a mission so never had this experience before, but know it won't be my last.  Did my first planting of the year, the pots on my back porch so now I can look out to a flower garden.....I love spring.   Good luck ELDER CHRISTENSON!

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