Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Spent a fun afternoon with some relatives.  We don't see each other enough and have so much to laugh, cry and remember of our many years together.  These pictures are of Korina Northcott, my sister Dixie's oldest daughter.  On the left she is with her middle daughter, Kameron, who just graduated from high school and her husband Bill.  On the right is the whole family. L TO R....Matt her son, Bill and ?...then her first husband, Tim, the father of Kameron and Matt, Kourtney her oldest daughter ,Kameron, Korina and her father's only sibling, Cookie (from Colorado).
Korina was in town to move Kourtney back to Arizona.  I ran over to West Valley and picked up my cousin,Lucille. which she had not seen for several years.   Lucille turned 80....... 9 days after I did last month so this was our 80th birthday lunch from Kinna. I am very proud of Korina, she was a single mother for about 7 years before she married Tim.  She was by her Mom and Dad's side through all their sickness with cancer and eventually their death.  Her only sister was killed in a car wreck in which my daughter Karrie walked away and Rachelle did not. Her little brother has been a headache in and out with problems with the law.....she just keeps smiling and is very religious!  These pictures will be fun for my future generations to look back on.  ........Ate too much!
Just for fun.....My sister Leslie has a Kristi and a Kevin.  Her daughter Kristi has Kylie, Kelly and Kooper.  My sister Dixie has Korina, who has Kouurtney, Kameron.  My sister Jo's daughter Tammie has 3 boys......Koden, Kyson, Kalvin. I have a Karrie......has our family over used the K-names?

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