Saturday, May 26, 2012


This is Jim Riffey and his wife Elaine Ramsey Riffey.....with a grand or great-grand child I presume.  When it popped up on my Face Book so many wonderful memories rushed in.  Growing up Jim lived across the street from me with his parents and little brother Jack.  Having no brother for so long we kinda adopted them with our family of four girls.  His mother Desa Riffey was my high school Typing and Spanish teacher....she was Mrs Riffey at school!  Elaine Ramsey lived a block down the street and was my sister Jo's best friend.  Her little brother Danny, married my sister Leslie.  We had a lot of fun times and good memories way back then.
When I think about life and the paths we choose I do so with awe.  Realize the treasure that is yours.  We see people letting go of their children, families, spouses, friends and professional knowledge, all accumulated over many years.  Their good health the good things in life.  People now days throw out the window what God gives them so freely. Look around and value what you have, home, loved ones, friends, knowledge, good health.  There is no re-do in life so as you look back it is best to do so with no or few regrets.  I realize we do the best we can with what we have at the time.....and all make a few mistakes.  I just thank God and hope to be in tune with him who will provide courage needed to be certain of victory in my struggles of what is ahead for an older person.  But with so many wonderful memories of the past.....Hey, I can handle it!
Korena just called on her way to Salt Lake to move Kourtney home and wants to meet with Luicille and I for lunch Tuesday, look forward to it.

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