Thursday, May 17, 2012


The picture at the right do not have much to do with the subject of my blog today, but I am trying to create a blog and history of pictures with my writings.  I was at the Cooks home the evening of the prom and got to see Andrea and her date off and Richie off to get his date Noall.  Love to see the grandchildren enjoying life!
Every day your will power comes into play....I will dust, I won't eat but one cookie, I will call my sick friend......Cutting back on sweets, cigarettes or anything else?  It'll be a lot easier to pass when someone offers you a cookie or a Marlboro if you say, "I don't want it"' rather than "I can't have it."It is revealed from studies that saying "I can't" makes you feel deprived of something desirable, which weakness your defenses against the temptation.  By contrast, saying "I don't " makes you feel in control and empowered to stick to your goals!

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