Saturday, May 5, 2012


Happy Cinco de Mayo!  Mexico's Independence day is observed on September 16, and marks the end of Spanish rule.  Cinco de Mayo commemorates  the Battle of Pueblo when outnumbered Mexico troops defeated the French.  Not an official holiday in Mexico.  We celebrate it mostly because of our Mexican Heritage.....and excuse for a holiday with mariachi bands, wonderful Mexican food and lot of tequila in margaritas. The picture is of the girls and I at our last visit to Mexico in February.
My friend and I spent Cinco de Mayo in Oaxaca, Mexico one year and I can tell you that was one heck of a was real and I loved it.  We sat on a little patio on their local city square and there was a parade around the square with wonderful music and every, I mean everyone joined in.  Fancy costumes, cleaning people with brooms and mops, middle class, old, young, everyone joins in......we were even invited to join them, but declined to watch and take pictures. Food vendors, music and happy people every where, I will always remember that Cinco de Mayo in Oaxaca!
Got spring fever and started buying flowers to plant.  Did all the pots on the back porch, but cold today so will hold off a few days on the pots in front.  I truly love this time of year and need to get my little humming birds food out. Richie planted some grass for me and got out my summer furniture, started the fountains, what do people without good grandkids do when they get  old?    Scottie and I are going to a movie tonight and he will sleep over as his parents are busy and the older two have about outgrown the baby sitting thing!  We will have our own little Cinco de Mayo party with a movie and stop at McDonalds........

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