Monday, May 7, 2012


Boy are we spoiled!!!  No power for eight hours kinda wakes you up to what the pioneers lived with.  Scottie slept over and we didn't get up until about eight only to find my power was off, the phones didn't work, the electric garage door wouldn't open, no TV, lights, micro wave, my cell phone was down to one bar and I could not recharge it, I went up stairs, sewed on a few buttons and was going to mend some things, no power for my electric sewing machine.  The house got very cool as the outside temperature was cool yesterday..Power outage's happen every now and then for an hour or two, but after eight hours you really realize how lucky we are now days......There was an accident down the road somewhere that took out a light pole they said.  When Karrie came to pick up Scottie for church she brought me a Mcmuffin and coffee so that was a bright spot in my day. I'm hoping it warms up today so I can get my flowers planted.  Got this email about cucumbers and all the wonderful things they can do for went out and bought three cucumber plants so I can grow my own.  I usually don't do gardens, but I'm going to give this one a shot!  Well, have a long list of to-dos today because yesterday was non-productive day so better get started.......

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