Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Mis-sion-ary (noun)
Someone who leaves their family for a short time so that others may be with their family's for Eternity..........
This picture was taken on the day of Alex's farewell.  At the time it didn't seem real he would be gone two years to a foreign country......but he is.  Today I got the sweetest e-mail from him reassuring me he missed me, loved me and I was his favorite grammie!!!!  It made my day.
Sherrie dropped by with my new granddog.  She is a cute little things but has a lot of "learning" to do.  Gigi seemed to like her.  Went to see one of my favorite doctors today.....Dr. Powell my dermatologist.  Things looked good which is always good news.  Learned a new word today that seems to apply to our president!  HUBRIS (hu-bris)......Means extreme haughtiness, pride or arrogance. Hubres often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one's own competence or capabilities, especially when the person exhibiting it is in a position of power......

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