Sunday, May 13, 2012


HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MOM.......I know you are up there watching over me and my family.  I was always so proud that you were my mother and everyone in are small town loved you. All my friends, boys and girls, loved to come to my house because you made them feel welcome.  You were kind and good and fair, you shared your many talents of music, sewing, hair cutting, painting, love of old things like pots and people not to mention drift wood and strange rocks.  You were not judgemental and you loved everyone and everything unconditionally, two characteristics I wish I had inherited.  You were 58 when God called you home, you were really needed more up there I guess.  I was 38 and knee deep in my life, marriage and raising three little girls.  You knew my marital situation but never interfered or told me to leave, you just worried and was always my soft spot to fall back on.  Thank you for a wonderful, secure, life growing up.  You and Dad always backed me and encouraged me, even though I am sure there were times when you did not agree with me.  You knew by me making mistakes I would learn.  I have tried to be a good mother for my girls, I am not sure I have succeeded, but I will never stop trying.  I had breakfast with the Cook family and am having dinner with the Panniers.  Sherrie called me and shared a picture on her phone of her new  Mother's Day present........a new dog.  Darren texted me Happy Mother's Day.

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