Friday, April 20, 2012


"Don't be sad it's ended, just be happy it happened!"
Well the big day has come and gone and it seems I have been celebrating my birthday since our cruise in February, but why not?  Just to have lived 80 years and still have your mind and health is such a blessing.....THANK YOU GOD.  I went to the funeral of Warren Lyngle in the afternoon and he was only 78......he will never have a 80th birthday. last night the Cooks took me to the Tuscany for dinner and I ordered 'THE PORK CHOP'......well I have never seen such a big pork chop and it was absolutely delicious ,look at it!  They brought out a complimentary piece of chocolate cake and ice cream that feed all three of us and Rich brought me flowers.  A very spoiled Mom.  Today I am frantically getting ready to leave tomorrow for a week in Cancun with the Christensons and it is Kennedy's birthday.....more birthday celebrations.

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