Monday, April 2, 2012


Ahhhh, I guess the child in me will always love going to the Zoo..........It is spring break for my grandchildren and so my youngest (a real spark plug), yes, the same one that called me early yesterday and got me with an April fool joke, wanted to know if wanted to go to the zoo with him, his sister and mom?  I didn't have to think about it very long and said yes.  It has been quite a few years since I had been there and what a happy surprise to see all the new things being added and enlarged.  Enjoyed the animals, rode the train and merry-go-round and of course had a little lunch.  Then we ran up to 'This is the Place Monument" and the statues of the early mail riders to take Scotties' picture for a report he has to write.  He is related to them on the Cook side. Our family would be pretty dull without Scott and all his energy. I was checking as to what the spark plug does....."A spark plug fits into the cylinder of a gasoline-powered internal-combustion engine and produces the electric spark tht ignites the mixture of gasoline and air.  A spark plug is quite literally the spark that ignites the fuel that makes the piston go up and down.......and that makes the car go down the road......" Well, that pretty much sums up my happy, busy, energetic and very smart 10 year old grandson.

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