Thursday, April 5, 2012


Me............ somehow I am slowly learning to move pictures around.......This is me, Betty Ree somehow it is so comforting to go back to the real me, the nice person I was growing up and that I was always proud to be known as.  Betty Ree Yeomans.....Where did that me go? The little girl that started out in the little girl body, innocent, trusting, fun, happy. Soon I moved into the teenage body, that knew it all, was very social and very confident, that the big world was out there waiting for me to conquer it.  I was still innocent, trusting, fun and happy and this carried on into the young woman who went off to college and became a stewardess.  Then enter the body of a wife and mother, when I began to doubt myself a little, definitely not innocent,or and happiness was an on and off thing.  I still liked myself and the firm foundation of self-esteem my parents instilled in me was down there somewhere......but a day by day battle to hang on to it.  I never quite trying to be the best of the best as a daughter, wife, mother, friend and later a grandmother.  Today weeks away from my 80th birthday I am still trying to be the best of the best when it comes to being a good person. Now that I am in my grandmother's body with the aches and pains, living through many heartaches of losing my marriage, my parents and two sissters and the love and respect of all my children I realize yes, I am still the ME that was born and sent to earth to fulfil my life in the very best way I can.......

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