Friday, April 6, 2012


Another Holiday weekend looms ahead!  These are the only times I feel lonely.  Every person eventually faces the inevitable fact that one day they may be alone........For me, due to divorce, children growing up and moving out and retired, I have faced this for quite some time.  Many of my friends, both male and female are also witnessing this in their later lives. Those of us who have children.....that care.....are the lucky ones.  I have some friends whose children have almost abandoned them.  This is Easter weekend, they were always so fun and exciting growing up.  My mother always sewed my sisters and I a new Easter dress, and I have made more new Easter dresses for my three daughters than I can count......and loved every minute of it.  Church was a must, so you had somewhere to show it off, along with the Easter baskets, deviled egg and a wonderful ham dinner. I won't be lonely this holiday because I will be with Karrie's family for a good dinner and a lot of love......and best of all Richie will be home with us.  No, I don't have a new Easter dress, but somehow that is not important any more.  Sherrie's family is in Phoenix for spring break and Easter, Pam is in California.  I have learned to live alone and do enjoy the quiet and my roommate...Gigi. I am comforted by the thought: "Through faith in Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, you are not alone."  These words have a new and profound meaning deep in my heart today and I know without a doubt that I am never alone. Happy Good Friday!

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