Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Forty-Four years ago at this time I was as big as a house and as miserable as I have ever been in my life......but it was all well worth it as my twins will be 44 tomorrow.  They were a month early, Sherrie 6 minutes older than  Karrie weighted 3lbs 13 oz Karrie weighted 4 lb 5 oz. Pam was 11 and all she wanted was a little sister she named Karrie.  'Be careful what you wish for you might get it'! As I look back over the past 44 years old I think of the stages a child goes through.....all children.  At 6 years "Mommy I love you."......At 10 years "Mom, whatever."......At 16 years "My Mom is so annoying."......At 18 years "I wanna leave this house."......At 25 years "Mom, you were right.".......At 30 years "I wanna go to my Mom's house."......At 50 yeas "I don't wanna lose my Mom"......At 70 years "I would give anything for my Mom to be here with me." ......As I turn 80 a week after they were born I wonder what my girls are saying about their Mom???
All I can say is "You are living your story"......Spent the last two days at doctor's offices.  Good news from both doctors.
Sad day in the obituaries today was a very dear friend from one of my bridge clubs.....Gloria Morrison.  She had cancer and went so fast, she was truly a fun friend and I will miss her.

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