Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I have always loved guys in a uniform, is that way I love this guy.....Richie?  I don't think so......I love him because of his charisma.  He is cute, smart, fun and it is fun watching him grow up.  He is 18 and graduating from high school in June.  Off to the University and then an LDS Mission and then who knows.  My oldest grandson is 21.  William is big, fun and always ready to party.  He is finishing his second year at the University and works at the POLO store at the outlets.  My third grandson is 19 and leaves on a LDS Mission to Brazil in a week......from day one he has had a quiet, shy sort of charisma that draws you to him.  My fourth grandson Brayden is 16.  He has always been fascinated by wiring, electricity and inventing things.  He wants to be a helicopter pilot.  My two youngest grandsons are yet to decide their direction in life but I will love watching them grow and develop.

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