Saturday, April 14, 2012


"Accept----then act whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.  Always work with it, not against it----This will miraculously transform your whole life."  Eckhart Tolle
Here is Alex with his mom and grandfather when he graduated from High School in June.....tomorrow we all will assemble again for his missionary farewell, two years in Brazil.  I have avoided the thought since he told me and I cried and probably will again tomorrow, even though I am thrilled and very proud of him for his decision, it hasn't been easy.  He is such a special boy and he has been so good to this grandma.  I keep going over what advice can I give him,  can't come up with anything so my note to him is: 
To My Missionary Alex---
You are a child of God, Walk Tall, Be Proud, Rise above the ordinary and Never, Never be satisfied with less than the best that's in you.  I love you and stay safe....Gram
Sottie is spending the night with me and I will ride to Vernal tomorrow for the farewell with his family.  I have never had the experience of any of my family going on a mission, this is my first.  My brother didn't go, I only had girls, none of my X's family's boys went that I was ever involved with.  Five of my cousins six children went, all three of my sister's boys and her grandson went....I must be brave like they were!!!!

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