Monday, April 16, 2012


What a beautiful day for me.  Everyone was in Vernal, Utah for Alex's Missionary Farewell.  Not since Tif'fany's wedding had it been such a nice day.  William had to work and Nicci lives in Minnesota but they were the only MIA of the the children's father came and we were all very congenial.....kinda a first.  Kinda a real family again....or NOT!  I rode out with the Cook's and The Panniers and Hortons rode out together.  It was fun having the three daughters, three son-in-laws and seven of my nine grandchildren gathered round and all speaking and having a good time.....even good to see my X-husband support the missionary.  Darren's mom and dad and his two brothers with family were there, Just a good day.  Sher had cooked up a storm and had her huge new table covered with food.  Her family were more than happy to sneak out of church early and get things going.  The brother-in-laws and Scott keep the hamburgers and hot dogs coming.  When everyone works together with love what a good feeling.  Many good friends, neighbors and church people also enjoyed the day.

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