Friday, August 21, 2015


Aren't all mothers .....Wonder Woman......ask any grown child and they will tell you.......they really wonder about their mothers in their old age..... She has changed .....she never use to be like that......"I wonder what has gotten into her?".......She this'es, or that's......or she doesn't this or that any more.  Well, kids I have news for are changing too and in order to keep afloat we have to change also.   No I don't enjoy never seeing you anymore and texting will never replace a phone call in my book......but it at least lets me know you are still alive out there somewhere.  I am happy you are well, busy and have productive lives, but someday I will be gone, only I know you think I am going to live forever......OR NOT!  But you can bet I will continue to do things that make you shake your head and WONDER about me.

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