Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Well as usual.....a day late and a dollar short......but yesterday my first born, Pam, turned 58.  She had a fun night out with her sweet husband who surprised her with flowers, a bracelet with diamonds and a wonderful dinner......hard to believe where all these years have gone.  I live close to them and they have become my security blanket after they lived with me 6 months while their house was built and I lived with them 4 months while my house was built......we just are there for each other...
A great number of the family went to a wedding shower at Dade and Lisa's for Andrea and Matt.....I went with Tiff and Scott and Aaron, Sherrie, Darren, Ken, Alex and Lindsay represented the Christenson's and of course the Cooks were there minus Richie who is still in Montana working. My number four daughter Heidi and Kenny were there, but didn't know all the others. So had a Minnie reunion last night......nice seeing the grandkids that I don't get to see much of any more.   Scottie started school today and Kennedy starts out in Vernal tomorrow.......the rest are all out of school. Any way........HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAM 

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