Friday, August 14, 2015


This little picture planted a seed for me......and if tended seeds grow and grow.  I know now after 29 years that I can't do anything about the past to make the present better.  Have a granddaughter's wedding coming up next weekend and my X and his wife will no doubt be there.......I pretend these things we are both forced to attend because of our three children together don't bother me.......but Mr Blog.....I can tell you they still do.  I don't feel the 30 years with my X were all in vain because we had three beautiful, good, competent daughters we are both proud of.......but there is always that WHY out there that haunts you.  I will attend the shower next week and the wedding rehearsal dinner and wedding reception and hopefully no one will know what is in my heart!
Today Sherrie called and said........."Darren bought a pine coffin and I am on my way to JOAN'S to buy material to line it with......what kind of material do I buy?"......Well, my kids have called and asked me lots of  things in the past 50 some years.......but I had never had a question like that we decided something cream or beige .......not white satin......and I will be anxious to hear what she bought......oh yes, she doesn't even sew!  She ask who it was for and he said her dad, his dad or even he could use it and he got a good deal on it!  CHILDREN........
New goal to do something in the present to make my future better..............

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