Sunday, August 16, 2015

BRAYDEN IS 20.......

Happy Birthday to my sweet missionary Brayden who just turned 20 years old......I saw this picture of a fort built with quilts and all the fun memories of you as a little boy came rushing back to me.  Brayden and his best friend/cousin Annie who was born yesterday.....20 years ago could build some of the greatest forts in the front room you can ever imagine.  Move the furniture in......take all the bedding down stairs and play for hours......which made baby sitting for grandma pretty easy.......that is until it was time for bed and no one wanted to take it all back upstairs and put the furniture back.....Oh, those were the good ole days. You were always a joy in my life and so good and sweet to me as you grew into a teenager.  I miss you terribly and am so proud of you....I hope you had a really fun birthday in Spokane.

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