Sunday, August 30, 2015


       Sundays seem to get here very fast.....I have to chuckle at how Robert Kirby (writes for the Tribune) talks about Sunday......I realize not everyone agrees, but there are many that see where he is coming from.
       "One of the reasons that Mormons believe so fervently in near-death experiences is because we have one every called church.
        Sitting there on a folding chair, your limbs grow numb, your eyes glaze over and your thinking becomes sluggish.  Only the shrieking of small children prevents you from slipping completely away and becoming a gospel zombie.
        Hold on, the gospel of Jesus Christ isn't church.  It's certainly a far cry from the Tupperware Third Ward that most of us attend every Sunday.  There the purpose seems to be to get people to dwell on the importance of the next life by making them wish they were dead in this one.  Sunday School in the Tupperware Third Ward is like a morgue only with day-care.  If Sunday School teaches you anything other than how to sleep with your eyes open, it's by accident rather than design."
        Kirby goes on to say ......stay on the good side of your bishop.....if he doesn't like you he is the guy who can give you a job in the ward nursery......Your may believe that Sunday School was slowly killing you, but get stuck in the nursery and you'll wish it had!
        Now that I have started back to church and they keep preaching "keep the Sabbath Day Holy', by reading scriptures and church material I decided to read this little book I found at the garage sale Saturday by Robert Kirby and Pat Bagley called...."SUNDAY OF THE LIVING DEAD"........I am a little concerned however......this would not be on the bishop's reading list.  Why do Sundays seem to have lots more hours in the day?
          Did meet my behind neighbors yesterday......they brought over some nice things from their garden.  Very interesting couple Claudia and Tom Keleras, they are Greek and said come over and get acquainted with that huge tree stump in their back yard that dominates the view out my back yard! You just can't have too many friends.

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