Saturday, August 29, 2015


Well, it takes a village but somehow children grow up and fall in love and get married.......I guess they are happily on their way to Lake Tahoe by now and Andrea is enjoying being Mrs Fritzsche.  after a not to good night the night before last night was much better.......I felt like I could go and enjoy "a wedding".....Karrie warmed up, the State Capital Grounds were decorated very nice, the evening was warm with a full moon, my family were gathered around and saw many fun friends. 13 of us went to dinner together before and it was in full swing by the time we arrived.   Much picture taking, visiting and enjoying X was our shadow......without his wife......and I think he might have realized what he walked away from 29 years ago......we took a fun picture of the four generations gathered last night.. Andrea looked beautiful and Karrie had worked very hard to make it great.  I am very proud of what I have accomplished in my 83 years.  Four of my nine grandchildren are now married and seem to have picked the right one so far.  William and Richie are probably not far behind.....William just bought a house????.

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