Friday, August 21, 2015


These are three of my favorite people......anytime I see a proud and happy grandpa my heart breaks that my 9 grandchildren did not have that!  I meant well but somewhere along the way I father loved all his grandchildren and they knew it......the twins loved papa and he them and he would save all his small change in a coffee can under his sink until they visited him and he would let them count it, divide it, and go spend it......they will always remember those little things.......but my husband doesn't even know his grandchildren's name half the time and never took them fishing, camping or spent anytime with them......they hardly know him.   Rob will always be there for Aaron......and he is a very lucky little boy! (I can hardly wait to see what he will look like with hair?)
Mark...(next door neighbor).....called me from worked and wondered if he could use my phone to call his girl friend who went home to VIET NAM for a visit......for some reason his phone won't is so nice to be a good neighbor and Mark has been very good to me......he will be home from work about 8:30.  Looks like garage sales and church are my big weekend excitement!

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