Saturday, August 22, 2015

I CAN DO IT......

So many times I have said , "Betty you can it"....when I was fearful, insecure, frustrated, facing something new1 I then look back and am very proud of myself or think......that wasn't so bad.
I think that stress is a fearful reaction to life's constant changes......I know leaving my home and neighborhood of 27 years has been very hard.......(well maybe not as hard as it was to leave our family home and on my own find a new one for the twins and I when my husband walked out).......but I am older now, and old is hard.  I guess often we are stressing ourselves out because we have our priorities mixed up.......Staying well and happy should be the first priority, but we worry about money and security and dozens of other things.  When we trust Life to take care of all our little problems, then stress just melts away.  Stress is just's just that simple.
My sweet friend Shirley came over with IN AND OUT burgers for lunch and spent a couple of hours bringing my computer up to date.....she is so smart!  Sherrie and Darren hayed today and Pam and Rob are on their way to Wendover and want me to let the dogs out tonight and in the morning before church.......busy family.

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