Monday, August 17, 2015


 Oh so true.....your happiness can be taken by someone, but happiness comes from you .....not them. I have always liked myself and like to be alone a lot......but not always, sometimes I just need to wander in a crowd or shop in a busy store around people.....but I am comfortable going to a movie alone or out to eat if I want!  I don't want to own anyone and I don't want anyone to own me......once was enough!
Today my darling granddaughter Andrea came by to pick up her birthday and also a wedding present......We had a very long and wonderful talk about her getting married in two weeks.......about how she is afraid her parents are expecting her to always be there and hang just won't happen and it will be a big shock to them as she is the first to leave the nest......other than Richard who went off on a which they still felt they had control of he has stated he will be living with his friends close to the U campus and I doubt they see much of him unless.....HE NEEDS SOMETHING!  I have seen Pam realize if she wants to see Will or Tiff......she invite them to dinner......If Sherrie wants to see Alex (other than at work) invite them to dinner!  Kids are raised to go off and start a life and you are left alone and so you say to yourself...."SUCK IT UP CUPCAKE......THEY DON'T NEED YOU NOW"......and that is what you spent the last 20  years of your life doing.......teaching them not to.   I very seldom see any of my three daughters or their families.......and yes I do get lonesome..... they phone and check on me.......but thankgoodness for friends and neighbors!

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